Ini adalah sambungan dari kisah tragedy yang menimpa sepasukan penyelam di laut Iran beberapa bulan lepas.Dibawah ini adalah emel-emel berkaitan yang dapat dipintas berkaitan dengan perkembangan usaha-usaha menyelamat penyelam-penyelam yang terperangkap tersebut…..
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 9:47 AM
To: ACQ Master
Subject: Re: DSV Kusha
Good morning Sir
Dulam dive team have located the wrecks. Chamber etc are intact. Taping was
done by divers from out side but no response from inside. Dive operation was
suspended due to strong wind. May be they try this morning
from:∙ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
∙Sent:∙ Saturday, October 22, 2011 1:25 PM
∙To:∙ ACQ Master
∙Subject:∙ Re: DSV Kusha Dear All Received message by phone call "
Vessel laying to its port side ( Side of sat system) gas quads or
control van all scattered away . Bell Diver confirmed HRC flooded , door
open.Can not reach to port hole of Living chamber as its been obstructed by derbies, grating ect.Swiber
vessel Atlantic, which was heading to location been asked to returned
back by Iranian authority . Dulam vessel Providence will be carrying out
plan being discussed for sat divers to enter in to living chamber.(
three man bell run, one in bell, one out of chamber door and one go in)
Waiting for body bags to arrives from shore. All hopes been diminished
and we have to remember this historic tragedy for our life long. RegardsRP
6 divers(Rajesh Dabaas,Direndra Kadiyan/Ajesh Gaur/JS Padda/Parminder Kadiyan/NK Sharma) were recovered at noon from the chamber and send to ashore and 2 hours back 2 more bodies from the bridge recovered. Now searching for another 5 more missing, which includes Chandraji(ET). Search and rescue operations were carried out at 35 Knots wind and 5-6 mtrs of swell. One of the difficult operation I have seen in my 20 Years of Diving career. Will update u all the details once we settled down. Still the operations are carrying on but weather is ok now. No other support vessels available in the vicinity.
Keratan Akhbar yang memaprkan berita kematian penyelam-penyelam tersebut
Iran: 8 of 13 trapped divers are dead
Published: Oct 23, 2011 12:02 Updated: Oct 23, 2011 17:26
TEHRAN, Iran: Eight divers trapped underwater with five others after their support ship sank three days ago in the Persian Gulf have died, Iran’s official news agency reported Sunday.
Mohammad Rastad, an official in charge of the rescue operation, said the bodies of the eight divers, six of them Indians, have been recovered. He said there is no word about the fate of the remaining five missing divers.
Out of 73 people on board, 60 were rescued.
He said six bodies were found earlier.
“Bodies of two more divers have been recovered from the depth of 72 meters,” IRNA quoted Rastad as saying.
The divers — seven Indians, five Iranians and one Ukrainian — were part of a team installing an underwater oil pipeline and were inside a pressurized diving chamber when their Koosha-1 ship sank in the Persian Gulf on Thursday afternoon in stormy seas.
The diving chamber was on board the ship when it sank, and the divers were already inside to avoid having to pressurize and depressurize for their dives.
The Iran-flagged Koosha-1 left Thursday from offshore oil rigs near the underwater South Pars gas field, the largest in the world, shared by both Iran and Qatar. The ship was involved in installing underwater pipelines.
It sank in the Persian Gulf about 15 miles (25 kilometers) off Iran’s coast.

Inilah foto DSV Kusha yg tenggelam bersama penyelam-penyelam itu sebelum kejadian. gambar sumber internet.
Bagi `Client' ini adalah satu tragedi dan berharap semoga ianya tidak akan berulang.Post Mortem harus dilakukan.
Bagi para kontraktor ini adalah satu kerugian bagi mereka dan menjadi kekhuatiran mereka bakal disenarai hitam oleh `client'.
Bagi para penyelam seperti kami semoga tragedi ini menjadi pengajaran kepada kontraktor-kontraktor yang selalu memeras tenaga kami supaya memikirkan sama akan kebajikan kami termasuklah membayar gaji yang setimpal dengan risiko yang dihadapi dan usaha yang kami berikan demi keuntungan syarikat mereka.
Bagi sesetengah orang yang lain pula....Tak lama tiada siapa lagi yang akan ingat kisah ini....