Various methods are deployed based on availability of resources and size of
- structure.
- Barge Crane
- Flat over - Top side is installed on jackets. Ballasting of barge
- Smaller jackets can be installed by lifting them off barge using a floating vessel with cranes.
- Large 400’ x 100’ deck barges capable of carrying up to 12,000 tons are available

– The loads generated by environmental conditions plus by onboard equipment must be resisted by the piles at the seabed and below.
– The soil investigation is vital to the design of any offshore structure. Geotech report is developed by doing soil borings at the desired location, and performing in-situ and laboratory tests.
– Pile penetrations depends on platform size and loads, and soil characteristics, but normally range from 30 meters to about 100 meters.

Material barge

lifting up `Top site'

Installing top site to jacket leg
HI Spy LEman..
very informative.. tq..
selalunya, slp kerja carigali habis, platform tu dibiarkan ajer ker? just wondering..
Next entri lebih informative...
bila sesuatu telaga dilapangan itu minyaknya dah habis disedut,telaga itu (well head) akan ditutup dan platform di lapangan tersebut akan dipotong dibahagian kaki dan dibawa kedarat,ianya tidak akan dibiarkan disitu.
platform tersebut sama ada dipotong2 atau dijual dlm bentuk asal.kalau tak silap salah satu resort yg ade di pulau mabul sabah adalah bekas pelantar minyak lama yg diubah dan dijadikan resort
Really love ths blog...Indeed. coz selama ni I really wonder mcm mana plantar dipasang and divers dok buat kerja2 dlm laut gelap tu. So to u guys, I really salute.. Keep up urgud work and sentiasa berdoa utk keselamatan semua teman2 seperjuangan.. GOD bless u guys..
Anonymous t.kasih,kami hanya sekumpulan buruh kasar yg melakukan kerja2 buruh sama seperti buruh kasar2 yg lain cuma bezanya tmpt kerja kami dibawah air.
sekakadar mencari sesuap nasi..
T.kasih sudi membaca blog yg tak seberapa ni..
Anonymous t.kasih,kami hanya sekumpulan buruh kasar yg melakukan kerja2 buruh sama seperti buruh kasar2 yg lain cuma bezanya tmpt kerja kami dibawah air.
sekakadar mencari sesuap nasi..
T.kasih sudi membaca blog yg tak seberapa ni..
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